August 15, 2010

Ode to Moving

When I can't sleep and get in a creative mood, this is what happens:

Miles away from a Sonic

Or bars with cheap vodka tonic

You’ll find two Southern girls

Just trying to make it in the world.

In an apartment with a red door

Nothing is for sure

As to why they started careers

Before any of their peers.

As each morning comes with haste

They get ready with no space to waste.

And the girls make their toast

While adjusting to life on the East Coast.

A checklist is read as they make their way out

Just in case either girl may have a doubt

Then off to work the two go

At the will of only the metro

Hoping just to get a seat

To a commuter, a true feat.

They part ways at Union Station

Sometimes with hesitation

Asking whether they’ll make it through the day

Or just would rather just go outside and play.

Their mornings fly by

With no time for a sigh

But as the noon hour grows nearer

Tummy rumblings are heard clearer

And they eat a meal with their flock

Or sandwich out of a lunch bag and ziplock.

Then work is to be done

Because staying late is no fun,

‘Cause these girls would hate to miss

Which boy Ali gave the diss.

Or the nights they take a bat to a ball

On the Capitol Mall

Even to get home to just chat

(They never get tired of that)

And watching Friends on DVD

To forget about missing family.

Though their jobs are great

The weekends can be such a long wait

For some freedom to decide

Exactly how to spend their time.

The girls have changed quite a lot

Whether they realize it or not

But one thing they see

Is they are where they should be.

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